Recipe for Success! Banana Coconut Smoothie – Struggles of a Solopreneur

You’re going to Go Bananas when you make this smoothie!
Struggle – As a solopreneur everything is on your shoulders. It’s easy to skip taking care of your biggest asset – yourself!
Did you know that Bananas are so good for you, giving you pure energy, and they are best frozen in smoothies?
Bananas are Brain Food. Bananas enhance brain function.
Here is my Soloprenuer Smoothie Recipe:
“Key Ingredient is Frozen Bananas“
(To freeze, simply peel the banana before you freeze it, cut it up, and put it in a Ziploc bag for several hours)
Frozen banana chunks (Boosts energy, helps improve digestive health, boosts your mood, good source of brain, skin and bone health)
*Organic Coconut Oil – (Improves memory and brain function, improves energy and endurance, improves digestion and proven alzheimer’s disease natural treatment)
Protein Powder (your choice)
Throw all of the ingredients into your blender and blast on high for 30-60 seconds.
A Note from Nancy: Eating fruit and healthy fats is really important and this epic banana coconut smoothie is a great way to incorporate them into your diet. Take care of yourself so you can be as productive and prosperous as possible! Now, put your lipstick on and hustle!
PS – Use coconut oil to remove eye makeup. It conditions your lashes and promotes growth.
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“Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible.” – Maxwell Maltz