How To Avoid Autopilot And Live A Fascinating Life – Struggles of a Solopreneur

Are you selling yourself short and living your life on autopilot?
Every day we choose how we live our lives, whether we’re conscious of it or not. And choosing to live a fascinating life doesn’t have to be complicated.
The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
John Maxwell said, you will never change your life until you change something you do daily.
Have control of how your day starts and ends. Have a routine for both.
Start with your goals in mind and design your behaviors and routines accordingly.
I was inspired by The Miracle Morning and my morning routine starts at 6 am. It includes the six principles stated in the book. (S.A.V.E.R.S.)
Silence(meditation), Affirmations, Visualization(vision board), Exercise, Reading and Scribing (writing in journal).
I recommend you create a routine that is styled unique to you.
I was inspired by The Compound Effect and my evening routine consists of reading at least ten pages of an inspiration book before going to sleep. Evidently, the mind continues to process the last information consumed before bedtime, so I want to focus my attention on something constructive and helpful in making progress with my goals and ambitions.
Every so often interrupt your routines. Otherwise, life gets stale and autopilot takes over. Look at your routines. If something that used to energize you has become same-old/same-old, or is no longer generating powerful results, switch it up.
It’s difficult to predict what will show up in the middle of your workday, but you can always control how your day starts and ends.
*For solopreneurs, having a starting and ending time for your business day will give you greater life balance, help with focus, and allow for personal time, so you don’t feel like you are working all the time.
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Source: The Miracle Morning, The Compound Effect