How to Discover Your Best Colors {VIDEO}

Are you wearing the right color?
Coco Chanel said: “The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you”.
How many times has someone asked you “Are you tired?” “Are you not feeling well?” and yet, you were perfectly fine?
Chances are, you were wearing the wrong color.
You need a Color Analysis.
The season-style coloring system is old and outdated.
It’s time for you to learn a new way of looking at color, as well as a new way of looking at you.
We’ve cracked the code!
Introducing…. COLOR CODE.
There are six COLOR CODE categories: Light, Deep, Soft, Clear, Warm and Cool.
The color of your HAIR, SKIN and EYES will determine your COLOR CODE.
LIGHT – Naturally blonde hair or white hair (due to hair
changing to this) Fair Skin tone
Light to medium eye color
DEEP – Medium to dark brown hair or black hair
Medium to dark skin tone
Hazel, brown, or black eyes
SOFT – Light to medium brown hair, sometimes described as mousy or dishwater blonde
Light to medium skin tone
Medium intensity eye color, like hazel, brown, blue, or green
CLEAR – Dark medium brown to black hair
Very fair to light or medium skin tone
Bright eye color (green, blue, or hazel) or dark brown
WARM – Red hair or golden blonde or brown hair with reddish highlights
Any skin tone, sometimes with freckles
Green, blue, brown or hazel eyes
COOL – Silver, gray, or ash brown
Light to deep skin tone, most often with a pink undertone (but not always)
Blue, green, hazel or brown eyes
You may see yourself in a couple of different categories. Helpful Hint: Your hair color is the key.
Color Codes as they appear above.
Warm, Clear, Light
Cool, Soft, Deep
When you know for certain into which category you belong, then read on to get more detailed information.
Basically, everybody can wear every color (there are few exceptions) it’s all about the Intensity of the color.
LIGHT – Wear pale to medium hues. Stay away
from very dark or too bright colors; bold makeup is not for you.
DEEP – Wear medium to deep shades, some
brights. Stay away from muted colors for clothes, and coloring your hair too light.
SOFT – Wear medium hues. Stay away from
black, black and black! Also stay away from very bright colors and combinations of high contrast colors like black and white together.
CLEAR – Wear bright hues. Stay away from
muted and dusty shades; beware especially of wearing brown and beige together.
WARM – Wear hues with a yellow undertone,
autumn-like shades. Stay away from pink, pink, pink!
COOL – Wear Light to medium, but always with a blue or pink undertone. Stay away from brown, beige, yellow, and orange.
Your eye color is your best neutral. If you have no idea what color to wear… go with the color of your eyes!
Knowing your Color Code is the foundation of your Personal Image.
I am here to help you determine your Color Code; and which 36 colors look best on you.
But, this INSTANT assessment is a great starting point to building your personal brand.
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