Hello Beautiful! I’m excited to share some insights from my 16 years as a professional makeup artist in luxury bridal, mature skin, and as a beauty educator to aspiring makeup artists. Let me tell you a quick story about my time in makeup school – a journey filled with passion, challenges, and a few tears.

My Makeup School Experience

In makeup school, our instructor told us that without understanding color theory, we couldn’t be true makeup artists. I knew God called me to be a makeup artist, even though I had a makeup nightmare in seventh grade (bright blue eyeshadow and bubble gum pink lipstick – hello, Mimi Bobeck), that kept me from wearing makeup again until I was 40. One day in class, overwhelmed and desperate to get it right, I crawled under a massage table and cried. I wanted my clients to look and feel their best, just as the makeup artist at the department store had done for me. That moment gave me my power back and is the reason I became a makeup artist.

Fast forward to today, I’ve seen firsthand how department store makeup artists and internet influencers often prioritize sales over your best interests. They’re required to push the latest collections, even if they don’t suit your coloring, preferences, or personality. Having worked behind a makeup counter for five years, I know all too well about the pressure to sell, sell, sell. This leads to women buying products that don’t fit their faces, wasting money, and worst of all, affecting their self esteem. I remember the awkward feeling of a fellow office worker giving me a sideways look when I first experimented with eyeliner. It’s moments like these that drive my dedication to helping women find the makeup that truly matches their unique beauty.

So, let’s dive into these three real reasons your makeup might not look good and how to fix it.

The #1 Reason Your Makeup Might Look Bad…

#1. Wrong Colors

Makeup should enhance your natural coloring. If you wear colors that don’t harmonize with your skin tone or undertone, the makeup will look off. Just because some celebrity has dropped a new eyeshadow palette with cherry cola colors doesn’t mean it’s going to look good on YOU! The beauty industry doesn’t care about your personal color palette – but I do.

How to Fix It: Discover Your Natural Coloring

Vein Test: Look at the veins on your wrist. If they appear blue or purple, you have a cool undertone. If they look green, you have a warm undertone. If you can’t tell, you might be neutral.

Gold/Silver Jewelry Test: Try on gold and silver jewelry. If gold flatters you more, you’re warm-toned. If silver looks better, you’re cool-toned. If both look good, you’re neutral.

Sun Burn Test: do you tan easily or burn? If you tan, you’re likely warm-toned. If you burn, you’re probably cool-toned. Burn and then turn tan? You’re neutral.

At Lipstick Boss Beauty, I take into consideration not only your undertone buy your overall essence (your beauty code), complementary colors and the intensity of colors to pull it all together for perfection!

The #2 Reason Your Makeup Might Look Bad…

#2. Wrong Placement of Products

Incorrectly placed makeup can make you look overdone, unnatural, and even clownish. Whether it’s blush in the wrong place, poorly drawn eyebrows, or eyeshadow that doesn’t suit your eye shape, placement is crucial.

How to Fix It: Proper Product Placement

Highlighter: Apply only where you have bones on your face (nose, chin, brow bone).

Blush: Should look natural, not like a stripe up the side of your cheek.

Contour: Be cautious with contouring. If you’re over 50, your face has likely lost some volume naturally, making harsh contour lines unnecessary.

Lip Gloss: Avoid slathering it all over your lips. A dot in the center of your bottom lip gives a pop of shine without the gloppy mess.

The #3 Reason Your Makeup Might Look Bad…

#3 Wrong Finishes

Matte lipstick on dry lips can be unattractive, and matte eyeshadow on aging eyes can look dull and powdery. Dull foundations without light-reflecting properties can make mature skin look lifeless. Sparkly blushes and bronzers can sit on top of your skin, looking unnatural.

How to Fix It: Choose the Right Finishes

Lipstick: Opt for sheer, moisturiznig formulas for kissable, not ghostly, lips.

Eyeshadow: Save matte shades for photos. A single shimmery shade that complements your eye color can be more flattering. Related: Easy One Eyeshadow Look for Women Over 40. Watch step-by-step tutorial HERE.

Foundation: Choose formulas with light-reflecting properties to avoid a dull complexion.

Blush: Cream blush is best – it looks mor natural and blends seamlessly.

Be the BOSS of Your Own Beauty

Don’t just follow trends, discover your personal color palette and create a beauty routine that supports your natural beauty, preferences, and personality. At Lipstick Boss Beauty, we let you be the BOSS of your own beauty, helping you stand out like you were created to do.


So, there you have it: three real reasons your makeup might not look good and how to fix them. Ready to refresh your look? Check out Lipstick Boss Beauty for expertly curated beauty bags and specialty lipsticks. We get the color right, provide clear instruction on placement, and offer the perfect finishes. Stay beautiful, confident, and always remember to have a little fun with your makeup routine!

Visit Lipstick Boss Beauty today – it’s where your MAKEUP MATCHES YOUR BEAUTY and you get to be the BOSS!!