Get Unstuck: Self Care Tips for Midlife Christian Women Entrepreneurs

I see you. Yes, you – the fabulous faith driven woman entrepreneur over 50, hiding behind your business like you’re a secret agent. If you’re anything like most of us, you’re not thrilled with how you look right now, you’re wrestling with imposter syndrome, and you’re not showing up in your business like you know you should. You’re not alone.

Do you feel like the recent waves of overwhelm pushed you onshore, and now you’re stuck in the sand, not even sure if you’re meant to be in business?

Well, hang in there, because here’s a little reminder from the book of Romans: For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. In other words, once God has given you your gifts and called you to become an entrepreneur, He’s not changing His mind about it. Yep, you heard it right! So, even if you’re feeling defeated or haven’t fully embraced that calling, it’s still there waiting for you. Better get ready.

Read on for selfcare tips and a free 5-Day Beauty Breakthrough Blueprint created just for you!

Coming Soon… GETTING READY: Queen Esther’s Guide to Entrepreneurship. A small group and individual study. More info.

The Esther Approach to Self-Care

Let’s take a cue from Queen Esther. Before she stepped into her big role, she had 12 months of beauty treatments and some serious coaching. It wasn’t just about looking good; it was about getting her mind, body, and spirit ready for her destiny. Esther shows us that self-care isn’t just pedicures and Prosecco – it’s prep work for greatness!

Self Care Tips:

Embrace Your Unique Beauty

Not loving how you look? Let’s change that. Remember, you’re wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Start with little things: a new skincare routine, some lipstick, make a hair appointment, or just taking a moment each day to appreciate the unique beauty God gave you. These small steps can boost your confidence and remind you of your worth.

Bye-Bye Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome got you down? You’re not alone. Many of us feel like we’re faking it, but let me tell you, you’re exactly where God wants you to be. At the end of each month, I take a moment to reflect on all the things I did do – celebrate the little wins in your business and life. This practice will help you see just how capable you are.

Balancing Marriage and Business for Women Over 50

Marriage issues, aging parents, adult children – oh my! It’s a lot. Set some boundaries and prioritize your well-being. Make time for self-care, lean on your support network, and remember, it’s okay to ask for help. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so take care of yourself first.

Managing Menopause While Running Your Business

Menopause and aging can feel like a double whammy. Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of rest. Natural supplements and stress management techniques like prayer, meditation and journaling can also help. You’ve got this!

Rediscovering Your Purpose

Feeling stuck and unsure of your calling? Spend some time in prayer and reflection, asking God for guidance. Revisit your business goals and passions – sometimes a fresh perspective or a small pivot can reignite your passion and clarify your purpose.

Your Beauty Breakthough Blueprint

Ready to rediscover your radiance? Here is a free 5-Day Beauty Breakthrough Blueprint. This is all about helping you feel fabulous and step confidently into your God-given role. Over five days, we’ll dive into self-care practices, mindset shifts, and practical strategies that I used to help me stop hiding and start thriving. It will work for you too!

You’re not really stuck, my friend, you just stopped.

Start today and take the first step towards embracing your beauty, overcoming struggles, and growing your business with renewed excitement and purpose.

Remember, you’re not alone. You’re a beloved daughter of the King, equipped and empowered to shine brightly in your business and life. Let’s embark on this journey together and rediscover the radiant woman God fashioned you to be.

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Nancy (Lipstick Boss)

“Here’s an eye-opener: In Esther’s case, beauty treatments were part of the regulations, the beauty pageant ‘rules’, and the tool that God used to empower her. Your beauty routine will support you through your product launches, difficult days, networking lunches, your pop-ups, presentations and so much more.  And just like with Esther, beauty treatments are the foundation of success and where we should begin.

Excerpt from Getting Ready: Queen Esther’s Guide to Entrepreneurship